About Roger J. Florschutz


Like Brisdon, the protagonist in my book, I also travelled to Peru in the early 80’s. The airline lost my luggage so all I carried with me was my blank journal and my Pentax K1000 camera. When I returned home I found space at a prestigious Toronto club to hold a photo exhibit of my best pictures. My journal had been written as a long letter-diary to my dear friend Karen who, a few years later, gave me back a copy saying, You may need this one day. 

Decades later, when I was living in Ottawa, I thought I recognized the real César from Lima pass by outside my bus window on my way to work. A story, long buried, began bubbling to the surface. That night I dug out my Peruvian journal, re-read it, and wondered: what if César suddenly returned? What would happen…?

That was over ten years ago. From it, the fictitious, but very personal The Peruvian Book of the Dead was born.



“I’m sitting at an outdoor cafe near Plaza St. Martin, having my morning coffee. The small square tables are covered in red-checkered tablecloths. Periodically children come up to me dressed in rags with their hands outstretched chanting, chiclets-chiclets. An old man on crutches stops to look at me and smiles. His teeth are rotten. A commuter bus has just roared by belching out diesel fumes…”

Meet the Author

Next book signing will occur in the Spring of 2024

In the mean-time autographed copies are available at Perfect Books and The Spaniel’s Tale in Ottawa.

Signed copies are also available at Indigo Bookstores across Ottawa.

My unsigned book is available at almost any on-line book website in the world such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones etc.

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